Learn how to in and outs of camogie (kuh - mow - gee) with these quick and easy tips.

Camogie is an Irish sport played by women. If you've heard of hurling, then it is pretty similar to that in which the players (or a hurler) use a stick and a ball to play the game.
Below are some basic facts that will help get you by on your first camogie match!
Tip #1 - A player is called a hurler and a sliotar is used for the ball in hurling
The lineup has one goalkeeper, six defensive hurlers, two mid-field hurlers, and six offensive hurlers, totaling to 15 players per team.
A team can use 5 substitute hurlers allowed per game. Should there be an extra time for a tie, 3 maximum hurlers can be substituted.
Tip #2 - Match scores explained
A hurler was score two ways: When the hurler hits the sliotar below the crossbar and into the net, a goal worth three points is mad.
When the hurler hits the sliotar above the crossbar and between the goal posts, a point is scored.
A goal is worth three points and it is when the hurler hits the sliotar below the crossbar and into the net.
A point is when the hurler hits the sliotar above the crossbar and between the goal posts.
In camogie, it is possible to hand-pass for a goal and/or a point.
"The only one who can tell you 'You can't win' is you and you don't have to listen" – Jessica Ennis Hill
Tip #3 - A match game made simplified.
The referee starts the game with a throw-in between four players back to back.
The hurlers can move the sliotar down the field via hand-pass and solo runs.
The opposing hurler's attempt to block the shot with the hurley is possible as to not swing to the other team.
A penalty puck happens to the team if there is an aggressive foul within the penalty area. If outside, the team is given a free puck at the foul area.
During a tie, extra time will be awarded.
All Set?
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