Get to know the basic rules of hurling in less than 5 minutes!

Source: Regulators Hurling Club
If you know camogie, then hurling is pretty much similar to it. The game of hurling has to be seen to be believed. It is the fastest moving ball game in the world, where 30 players (15 per team) play for 70 minutes. In this article, we will be teaching you everything that you need to know so you'll be set for the next match day!
A game of hurling is played by two teams. Each team is made up to 15 players.
The player breakdown is as follows:
1 Goalkeeper
6 Defensive Players
2 Mid-Field Players
6 Offensive Players
3 Players pair up with their opposite marks
Match Essentials:
A game is usually composed of two halves of 25-35 minutes.
The sliotar (ball) can only be rolled or lifted from the ground using the hurley, and not by the hand.
The sliotar can only be caught mid-air or bouncing along the ground.
The sliotar can be passed on to the hand twice maximum. Should it hit the ground, the count is then reset.
The hurley can be used to hit the sliotar whether on the ground or on air.
The sliotar cannot be thrown but it can be kicked or passed with the hand, and only using one hand for the entire movement.
The sliotar can be held by hand for 4 consecutive steps at most only.
The sliotar can be balanced on the stick for an unlimited time.

How to Score:
A point is scored when the sliotar is sent over the crossbar and between the goal posts.
A goal, which is equal to 3 points, is scored when the sliotar is sent under the cross bar between the goal posts.
Goals and points can be scored from play or from ‘set pieces’ such as a free or a side line cut.
Other Notes:
Free Taking means is to take the sliotar from the ground and hitting it in a single motion without handling the sliotar.
Sideline cut is to chip the sliotar from the ground when it goes over a sideline.
Fielding the sliotar means to grab the ball in the air.
Blocking a shot is when a player uses the hurley to prevent the opponent from striking the sliotar. It is done in the striker's front mid-toss.
‘Hooking’ is a skill where a player uses the hurley to prevent the other player from hitting the sliotar. This is done from behind the striker and the hurley must be blocked during the stiking movement.
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