Gaelic handball has a long history in Ireland and it can be traced back in Irish history to 1527 with two statues of the game being depicted in Galway City. It’s quite a simple game played with your hand, a ball and a wall and we are going to teach you all about the basics of the game
The main aim of the game is to make the pall hit the front wall and bounce twice before your opponent can return it.
There are four codes of handball and these vary by 1) the number of walls in the court, 2) the size of the court and 3) the type of ball used.
In order to score a point, you must serve the ball and win the pursing rally which is won when one player is unable to return the opponents shot to the front wall before it touches the floor twice. A second way of scoring a point is when a player returns the ball so that it hits the floor before striking the front wall.
Handball can be played as a singles or doubles game with only slight differences between the two.
In true GAA style, there is even an All-Ireland Handball Championship which some of our own players have had the chance to play in!
4-Wall handball is the most popular version played in Ireland and that’s the version we play here at Trinity GAA Soc. If you are interested in joining the team just reach out to us!Gaelic Handball: Your How-To Guide